Have Your say Shelburne!

The Town’s current traffic by-law was written in 1983 and has been amended on several occasions in response to changes and demands for additional or alternative provisions. Municipalities have the option of combining the original by-law by incorporating all the changes into an all-encompassing by-law or recreate a by-law to address and meet new standards, provincial guidelines, regulations and legislation which will modernize the by-law and reflecting the ongoing needs of the community.

Town staff determined the best solution was to create a new by-law that will meet the demands of today’s traffic environment.

Please review a copy of the Draft Parking By-law, Report to Council and the Rationale Handout for more information.

Staff will be bringing forward the revised Parking By-law to Council on July 25, 2022. The Town is encouraging feedback from the public.

Please take approximately 5 minutes to complete the survey.