The Town of Shelburne is committed to providing residents with services that are reliable, affordable, and reflect the priorities of the community. This 10-to-15-minute questionnaire is an opportunity to share your thoughts and provide feedback on the range of services provided by the municipality. Your input is important for strategic long-term planning and will be referenced in the development of the 2025-2034 Long-Term Financial Plan and 2025 Asset Management Plan.

Level of service refers to the quality and extent of a public service. It balances the expectations of the community with the resources of the organization to establish standards for service delivery. Increasing the level of service results in the service being of higher quality and will generally cost more to provide. The Town, in alignment with Council Priorities, determines a level of service that supports the expectations of the community, while keeping operational costs reasonable.

Documents related to this questionnaire are provided as links on this page and may be helpful to review before starting the survey.

It is important to note that while owned by the Town of Shelburne, the following facilities are governed by separate boards of management and the Town has no direct care and control over these properties, their services, or related assets.

  • Centre Dufferin Recreation Complex
  • Shelburne and District Fire Department
  • Shelburne Public Library

The questionnaire will be open from Thursday, February 6, 2025, to Friday, March 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. If you have questions, please contact:

Carey Holmes
Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
Town of Shelburne
519-925-2600 x 228

Thank you for your participation.
